I moved to Seattle from Southern California (Redondo Beach) in 1989. My father, Leonard Rudoff, and stepmother followed in 1990, moving to Bainbridge Island (a 35 minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle).
My father died in 1994, and in 2000 my step-mother moved from their house to an apartment. I ended up with numerous boxes labeled, "photos" that I stored in my garage, unopened. Every so often over the years, I opened one, finding photos of my immediate family and cousins, some of the photos going back to the late 1800s and early 1900s (more on those in a later post). There were also the two handguns (again, for another post). But the best find were my father's photos from his time in the US Coast Guard from the waning days of WWII in 1945 until 1946.
In April 1945, at age 17, he forged his parents' signature (as he was under 18) and joined the Coast Guard. He served on the USS General H. F. Hodges, a troop transport that traveled around the world from May 1945 to March 1946.
You can see evidence of his travels in the picture to the left with the turbaned Sikh behind him (taken in Calcutta/Kolkata).
There were over 200 photos, all black and white, and in the small format of 2" x 3". They were not in the greatest condition, curled and stuck together, but I was able to separate them and send them off to be scanned. My father had talked about his time in the Coast Guard, but, my brothers and I had no idea that these photos existed.
Here's the USS General H. F. Hodges in the Suez Canal:
Which brings me to say - talk to your parents (and other relatives) about their history, the interesting things in their life, or even the banal things - how school was, who were their friends, etc. My father came down with lung cancer in 1992, was treated, but it had metastasized, and he died in 1994. Before he died I realized that I never asked him many things about his life, and he was too far gone to ask.
Which means these photos leave me with more questions than answers. The questions that are (mostly) answered are where the photos were taken. The questions that aren't answered are about life on the ship, who his friends were (the sailors that appear repeatedly in the photos must be his friends), their stories, what was it like being away from home for the first time in his life at 17 at sea, in Italy, India, Egypt, New York.
Here he is, on the left:
"Dec. 1945 Port Said, Egypt USS GEN H.F. HODGES Leonard Rudoff, Jerry Howe, T.J. Kushmeider, Frank Rizor, hanging around the fantail" |